Argentinosaurus walking with dinosaurs
Argentinosaurus walking with dinosaurs

Patchi landed in a forest not far way and spent some time exploring. The predator throws Patchi away and runs off. Patchi's father, Bulldust, intervenes and stops the Troodon. He grabs Patchi by the frill and this is how Patchi recieves his trademark hole in his frill. When he wanders to the edge of the nest, a Troodon attacks. The story begins with Patchi being a hatchling. He was a crow that magically evolved into an Alexornis that traveled back 70,000,000 years to tell Patchi's story. The movie starts with 3 people, a paleontologist and his niece and nephew, driving in a forest in Alaska. The island is destroyed by Titans lava used a meteor shower, forcing Aladar and his friends to flee to the mainland, where they encounter a herd of dinosaurs led by the ruthless Kron. Their enemy is a Gorgosaurus named Gorgon, a fearless hunter. Their story is related by Alex the Alexornis who has a symbolic relationship with the trio. Set in North America in the late Cretaceous period, the film follows the lives of three Pachyrhinosaurus named Patchi, Scowler and Juniper from infancy to adulthood.

Argentinosaurus walking with dinosaurs